We have a strict “No Squeaky Toys in the Office” rule ever since that incident a few years ago. How were we suppose to know Dad was talking to someone really, really, really important? But I digress. Since then Asa and I have obeyed that rule for the most part…until recently. I have to give Asa credit that in theory his plan sounded like a good one. However, his execution needed a little work.
It didn’t take long for Mom to spot something was wrong. However, squeaky toys were the farthest thing on her mind when she noticed Asa laying in that awkward position. She thought he was hurt!

Asa, tried to brush it off as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening. But even Dad stopped what he was doing to check on Asa.

Dad: He walked fine on our walk this morning.
Mom: Do you think he sprained it running up the stairs?
Dad: Can he move it?
Mom: *carefully went to move his leg, and discovered a face peeking back at her*

Relieved to see that Asa had simply sneaked a squeaky bunny into the office and was laying on it, Mom and Dad laughed at their goofy rule breaker. And that’s how Bunny became an official member of our office team. Well that and her squeaker broke months ago, so she really isn’t a nuisance to have around.