Our Quest for the Berkshires’ Bigfoot Continues

Pups, we have reached the place that inspired our quest to find the Berkshires’ Bigfoot, October Mountain! As I shared 4 days ago, I’ve been planning this adventure for years ever since I watched a documentary regarding paranormal activity in western Massachusetts’ the Berkshires. In New England Legends, season 1, episode 1 (2013 available on Prime), Jeff Belanger captivated my imagination with his retelling of stories about Bigfoot sightings, UFOs, and the ghost of a young girl at October Mountain. Since then I have read articles and watched numerous YouTube videos on the trifecta of paranormal activity there. Today I will share the first part of my contribution to the search for the Berkshires’ Bigfoot at October Mountain State Forest.

Oh and in case anyone is wondering why Asa is suspiciously quiet today, and not quoting literature, just like in a Muppet Christmas Carol when Gonzo and Rizzo decide to be quiet because they reached a scary point in the story, so too did Asa. Some help he is as a paranormal investigator!

Consisting of 16,500 acres, October Mountain is the largest state forest in Massachusetts, and is located in the towns of Washington, Becket, Lee, and Lenox. Clearly that is a large area to cover, with Bigfoot possibly hiding anywhere! But I had a plan! Well sort of, according to one site we found, a good starting point for finding Bigfoot was along Roaring Brook Road. On our journey there, it didn’t take long to start seeing signs of strange activity.

For example why would anyone park a van out in a field and just leave it there! Especially so close to the entrance of the state park’s campground in Lee. Yet then again, it was at that campground that folks have reported seeing strange lights over the park. Perhaps the owners of this van left it to take a ride in a UFO? Unlike this van, we drove on.

After getting lost, driving in circles, and through a really nice neighborhood, we finally found our intended target. But just like Mom and Dad, our GPS was also questioning “where to?” on this remote dirt road, which was closed to vehicles beyond the pull off for cars to park.

Instantly I knew we were in the right place! As strange orbs were captured by my paranormal team’s photographer, Mom. If you look closely, you’ll see Asa is looking up towards a small blur above his head.

That blur got bigger in this photo Mom took of the Road Closed sign! Were the trees concealing a UFO hovering overhead? Was a ghost manifesting itself? Was Bigfoot sending us a signal using mirrors?

Furthermore why is Asa’s head glowing in this photo? And more importantly what is he smiling about? This is serious!

Alright, so apparently my imagination was getting the better of me, because the longer I sat there, the more I noticed we were under attack by horseflies! The blur we were seeing in the photos were actually swarms of those annoying bugs! We had to keep moving on our quest!

With Mom and Dad throughly doused in bug repellent, we went for a hike along that road, and met a family of mountain bikers, also out on an adventure. After admiring my official bandana, they assured me as they raced ahead, that if they saw Bigfoot they would scream loudly, to alert us.

However, after walking for a considerable distance and hearing nothing from that family, I decided it was time to explore elsewhere. That’s when I noticed the troubling sign near our car! Just look at these blue scratches on the tree and the abandoned walking stick leaned against it. Does Bigfoot wear blue nail polish? Was this a warning from Bigfoot? Was he marking the trail that leads to him? What happened to the other vehicle that was parked next to us when we started on this hike? Clearly it was time to exit this area and continue on our exploration of October Mountain.

A short distance away, we came upon the parking lot for the George L. Darey Housatonic Valley Wildlife Management Area. While Dad reviewed the maps and planned our next approach to October Mountain, Asa and I posed for more photos with it behind us. A renowned Dog Ufologist can never have too many publicity photos, you know.

That’s when Asa noticed the mysterious tracks in the parking lot that abruptly ended at the fence! Where did that car disappear to? Was it headed towards or away from the fence? Were we standing at a portal to another dimension?

I wasn’t about to find out! Well that and the darn horseflies started bugging me again. Why were they leaving Asa alone and only annoying me? The horseflies must know I am getting closer to finding Bigfoot! We must keep moving!

Alright truth be told, we got a late start because of getting lost finding the road, it was getting hot out, and with all the bugs, rather than continue on our quest, we decided to call it a day and head back to home base to refuel our tummies. Join us tomorrow for the dramatic conclusion of our quest to find the Berkshires’ Bigfoot!


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.