Dog Friendly Trails
Dog friendly hiking trails for you to explore!
Across the country over 3,000 Golden Retrievers are on a mission to end canine cancer by participating in the Morris Animal Foundation’s Golden Retriever Lifetime Study (GRLS). This groundbreaking study is the largest and most comprehensive prospective canine health study ever undertaken in veterinary medicine in the United States. Its purpose is to identify the […]
There’s been a lot of activity in my neighborhood with new homes popping up everywhere, and some actually appearing overnight! I first noticed this uptick in new homes with the arrival of Mr. Hawk. He took up residence in the penthouse nest on top of one of our tallest pine trees with sweeping views of […]
Contrary to what Asa believes, Maine’s nickname of “The Pine Tree State” is not because Santa prefers Christmas trees from Maine. Rather our state earned its nickname from its extensive pine forests, and the prominent role that tree played in our history. In fact long before we earned our other nickname of “Vacationland,” Maine’s forests […]
While cleaning the attic we stumbled upon a personality test Dad had to take for a job many years ago. According to the DiSC Personal Profile Assessment, “it is a non-judgmental tool used for discussion of people’s behavioral differences.” Well Asa and I have vastly different personalities, not to mention nothing better to do this […]
Earlier this week I had to break the news to Asa that someone found Forrest Fenn’s treasure chest. However, Asa has treasure hunting in his blood, and has been searching ever since he was a puppy. So while he studies his maps and plans his next quest for treasure, I’d like to share with you […]
Even before they had dogs, Mom and Dad have participated in the NHSPCA’s Paws Walk. They’ve walked in the pouring rain, and on blazing hot days too. They’ve attended when it was held at Wallis State Beach in Rye, and at Stratham Hill Park. Now on Sunday, June 14, 2020, they will be walking virtually […]
The thrill of the chase is over! Someone found Forrest Fenn’s treasure chest hidden in the Rocky Mountains! But who? For those who may not be familiar with the story, ten years ago antiquities and art dealer, Forrest Fenn, went into the Rocky Mountains and hid a treasure chest rumored to be worth $1 million, […]
As we continue our celebration of Maine’s 200th anniversary, today we are sharing the rags to riches history of lobsters! Lobsters are now considered a delicacy, but it wasn’t always that way. This lobster tale is all about supply, demand, and changing perceptions. Early explorers to New England marveled that lobsters were so plentiful that […]
Does anyone know if there’s an expiration date on sanitizing wipes? While Mom and Dad continue organizing and now reorganizing everything in the house they stumbled upon this container tucked away in a safe place in the office cabinet. Yep, the same cabinet you see us sleeping in front of while Dad works. We had […]
We thought folks could use a smile today. So we’d just like to share our video from 2017 of our visit to Dog Mountain in St. Johnsbury, Vermont. We hope it brings a smile to your day. PS: Play with sound on if you’d like to tap your toes too.