Dog Friendly Trails
Dog friendly hiking trails for you to explore!
Dogs, are you tired of putting up with all those rules humans have for beaches? Or perhaps you just want the beach all to yourself? Well look no further! From the dogs who brought you Backyard Fur Oasis, introducing Beach in a Box! Get your sun, surf, sand, seaweed and seagulls – everything you need […]
For many Memorial Day Weekend signifies the start of summer. However, far too often while enjoying the long weekend, we forget the true reason for the holiday on Monday. Memorial Day is a time to honor those that have given the ultimate sacrifice for our country while serving in the military. In 2000, Congress passed the […]
Studies show that humans remember things better when set to a familiar tune. They also say repetition helps to retain information. Therefore rather than our usual post reminding folks that dogs must obey the leash rules, today I’m resharing Asa’s song on the topic. So grab those leashes and sing along to Asa’s parody of […]
In recent years many towns have changed their ordinances because of dogs not following the beach rules. Please keep the beaches of New Hampshire and Maine dog friendly by following the rules! Here is a list of dog friendly beaches, with the dates and times dogs are allowed on beaches in New Hampshire and Maine […]
Friends have asked us questions about beekeeping. So although once again we will be taking a break from beekeeping this summer, in honor of World Bee Day we are answering some of the more common questions that we get. Q: How did you get into beekeeping? A: We became beekeepers when I thought getting pets […]
Once again graduation season is upon us. Whether you’re graduating from college, high school, canine good citizen, or even puppy kindergarten, here are some wise words etched in stone to help guide you on your future path. During the Great Depression, Roger Babson who founded Babson College, hired unemployed stonecutters to etch over 20 words […]
I’d like to give a shoutout to the smallest and newest veterinarian at my animal hospital, Dr. Spider DVM! There I was waiting in the exam room for my veterinarian, when all of a sudden this spider came walking in under the door from the restricted area where the doctor usually enters. Clearly this was […]
Not to brag, but I will. Who is a “lean, mean, hiking machine”? ME! That’s who! And unlike Asa, I didn’t need to do a grand entrance during my recent annual physical at the animal hospital. I walked in there like the mature dog that I am. Alright, I did notice the treat containers next […]
Asa, you do realize why I called you into my office today? We need to have a little chat about your job performance this weekend. As you know, we experienced a rare geomagnetic storm Friday night. Not just any geomagnetic storm, a G4 (Kp8), making the Aurora Borealis visible over most of the country. As […]
Well this is awkward. On Friday Asa and I agreed to disagree as to what is the perfect Mother’s Day gift. After reviewing Asa’s not so great ideas, we decided it would be best if we each picked out a gift for Mom. So you can’t begin to imagine our embarrassment when we realized we […]