Dog Friendly Trails
Dog friendly hiking trails for you to explore!
The safety of my family depends on a squeaky toy! Ok I have to admit Asa’s performance review last week was a real eye opener. What a slacker! Asa actually thinks that getting us to play and have fun is somehow contributing to the wellbeing of the family. Nowhere in that interview does he mention his […]
Off the beaten path, Petit Manan Point in Steuben, Maine offers two separate trails that are dog friendly hikes through blueberry barrens, dense forests, coastal raised heath peatlands, old hayfields, freshwater and saltwater marshes, cedar swamps, granite shores and cobble beaches. Petit Manan Point is part of the Maine Coastal Island National Wildlife Refuge (MCINWR), a complex network […]
Asa’s birthday celebration made me nostalgic. Tomorrow would have been my big brother Lemmy’s 10th birthday. It was on his 5th birthday that my coming was foretold, so I’m not sure what he is complaining about in this email to his mother? Ok, I do agree playing pin the tail on the Golden was a […]
People, please relax! I know you’re all excited that today is my birthday, and you all want to get me a present. But there’s no reason to line up before dawn at stores across the country and push and shove your way to finding me the perfect gift! Yes, it’s flattering that to celebrate my […]
Henry David Thoreau clearly understood what it means to be a dog. Thoreau once wrote: “I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual. It is surprising how contented one can be with nothing definite – only a sense of existence… O how I laugh when I think of my vague […]
For those of you hitting the road this Thanksgiving, here is Asa’s updated version of Over the River and Through the Woods for you to sing on your journey. From our family to yours, safe travels and Happy Thanksgiving! Over the river and through the woods, To Grandmother’s house we go; The GPS knows back […]
Jasper Beach, located in Howard Cove, Machiasport, Maine, is a scenic place for a dog friendly walk. However, don’t be fooled by the name. If you are looking to spend the day at a sandy beach, this place isn’t for you. But if you would like to see a unique geological formation which is said […]
I can’t believe Adolescent Asa will be turning two years old this Friday! Time for another performance review! I’ll be asking my little brother the same questions as I did for his One Year Performance Review. And as always, please remember the opinions expressed by Asa do not necessarily reflect those of Living with a […]
Dad means well, he really does. But I’m a dog, and even I’m baffled by his poor sense of judgement. Would you believe thanks to Dad’s silly mistake, Asa almost lost his Imaginary Friend? After Dad accidentally broke the stove, he decided a new one would be the “perfect” birthday gift for Mom. Unbelievable! At […]
Mark your calendars because Lucky Pup Rescue is hosting two great events to get the Holiday Season off to a great start! As part of “Pajamas Shopping Day” in the Kennebunks, Lucky Pup Rescue is hosting the Pet Lovers Marketplace on Saturday, November 26, 2016. Find the perfect gifts for the four-legged friends on your […]