Dog Friendly Trails
Dog friendly hiking trails for you to explore!
Wow! I can’t believe this is my 100th post! It all began on January 12, 2015 when I decided I wanted to start a blog to talk about my new little brother joining the family. Back then I envisioned “Living with a Golden” would be a fun and informative chat about guiding Asa through the […]
If you’re looking for a quick but scenic place to walk your dog, the Wiggly Bridge and Steedman Woods are a great dog friendly destination. Located in York Harbor, Maine, this a short and scenic walk that includes a mini-suspension bridge. The trail head can be found at a manmade causeway off Lilac Lane, then […]
The social event of the year is finally here! This is our third annual family reunion hosted by my brother Duncan and my little sister Dea, and boy do they know how to host a party! There is swimming, treats, games, treats, doggie spa, and did I mention treats? It is a dog’s paradise! This […]
Dad is coming home today! He has been away for work, but is due back home this afternoon. Although I missed him greatly, I have to say I handled this situation a lot better than Lemmy ever did. You see, my older brother Lemmy was a bit dramatic, and would methodically go through the five […]
Chuck Billy and Asa have enriched our lives so much. But there are so many animals waiting for their forever homes. On Saturday, August 15, 2015, hundreds of shelters across the country are taking part in Clear the Shelters Day, a nationwide push to find homes for pets in need. Many organizations have agreed to […]
Uh oh, it looks like Asa had a disagreement with his Imaginary Friend again. I just don’t understand why those two can’t get along? But every day it is the same thing. Asa will be happily playing in the living room, then he will notice his Imaginary Friend who likes to hang out in the […]
Earlier this Summer we walked the first leg of the Eastern Trail from Kennebunk to Arundel. Today we are reviewing the Biddeford to Arundel stretch of this dog friendly walking trail in Maine. The Biddeford to Kennebunk section offers 6 miles (one way) of scenic easy walking. But on a hot summer day, we prefer […]
Good News! Scientists have finally recognized that I am indeed a wolf!! Ever since I was a puppy I knew I was special. I’ve always had a longing to answer the call of the wild and get in touch with my inner wolf. But people would laugh and say there was no such thing as […]
Now that Asa is the ripe old age of 8 months, I need to advance his homeschooling beyond the fundamentals of reading, writing and arithmetic. So today we are going to do our first science lesson! I decided it would be best to start with a simple chemistry experiment: Water + Dirt = Mud. I […]
You may have noticed from our Dog Friendly Places videos that we use head halters on our dogs. But often when we are out and about people have asked us why our Goldens are wearing muzzles! Head halters are not muzzles, rather they make it easier to control our dogs when they get excited in […]