Dog Friendly Trails
Dog friendly hiking trails for you to explore!
Har, Har Mother Nature, very funny. Today is the first day of Spring, despite the fact that temps are hovering just above freezing and there is snow in the forecast for this evening. But you’re not fooling me. You are playing Hide & Seek with Spring! Game on! As we headed outside, I told Asa […]
Think Spring, think ticks! An essential piece of gear in my medical kit is a Tick Removal Tool. You can find these in most hiking/ outdoors store and I did some comparing before I settled on my purchase. I first looked at Tick Key. I liked this because it used leverage to remove an embedded […]
Dearest Chuck Billy, We understand how Asa’s behavior can be annoying, and appreciate your patience with him. However, you may not recall you acted the same way towards your big brother when you were a puppy. Day in and day out you would seek Lemmy’s attention, and he would tolerate your antics with little more […]
Minor bumps, bruises, cuts and scraps are inevitable when hiking with my dogs. My hiking medical kit addresses the need to be able to treat such wounds. On the other end of the spectrum is serious injuries and I carry supplies to deal with those injuries as well. I keep a pack of QuikClot in my […]
This is an open letter to my Mom and Dad about Asa’s behavior lately.
This is the hardest time of year for dogs. The lull between Winter and Spring. Oh don’t get me wrong, I love Winter! Especially the fact that I can dig holes in the snow to my heart’s content and no one yells at me to stop. But now the snow is dingy and yellow, and […]
The world is a dangerous place, especially for curious puppies. Don’t believe me? Then check out this mind boggling list of poisons put together by the Pet Poison Helpline. Now I have to be honest, when I first saw this list I wanted to put my little brother in a bubble. But then I started […]
Duct tape has many uses and I keep a roll in my first aid kit because it makes an excellent addition to my medical supplies. Here is why: 1. If my dogs or I get a bad cut while hiking I need to bandage it. Regular medical tape does not hold out long in adverse […]
I’m not sure how it happened, but somehow I’m now invisible when out in public. I started noticing it around the time Asa joined our family. We’d be out and about and people would be cooing over him, but somehow no one seemed to notice me. I used to be the center of attention everywhere […]
It’s time to circle the wagons, our homestead is in danger! I knew as soon as Mom let us out that something was different. I immediately recognized the scent in the air, and one quick survey of the wood line confirmed my suspicions – there was a coyote in my territory! Now I’ve seen coyotes […]