Dog Friendly Trails
Dog friendly hiking trails for you to explore!
I did it! Well actually my eye did it. But whoever did it, it worked! The fibrinohemorrhagic clot that has been blocking my vision since last October is gone! In fact, there aren’t even any signs of it! It is completely GONE! My follow up appointment began as it usually does, with my ophthalmologist asking […]
It all started with Asa giving a ride to a spider, then shenanigans ensued. There’s a chill to the air lately, so one of Asa’s spider friends wanted to come inside to warm up. He was patiently waiting on the outside door for a ride share, and Asa was happy to oblige giving him a […]
Asa and I see a lot on roadtrips, we even have our own Golden Tail Wags Awards where we celebrate the weird and wonderful things we come across during the course of a year. But on our recent trip to Dresden, Maine, we witnessed not one but three Unexplained Adventure Phenomena that left even this […]
This week Asa’s World Tour of Maine is rolling down the river into Dresden. Settled in 1752 by French and German Huguenots, the settlement was originally called, Frankfort. Then it was renamed Pownalborough, after Governor Pownall, when it was officially incorporated as a town in 1760. Following the American Revolution, in 1794 the town received its […]
I have a perplexing problem with my portal theory. For years now I thought for certain that I located a portal in my kitchen where items would either mysteriously disappear or reappear. However, new and troubling evidence has arose which has me questioning everything. Let’s review all the facts, and perhaps you’ll reach the same […]
Dad and Mom, we need to have a little talk about respect in the workplace. Specifically, how many times must I remind you not to call me by my embarrassing nickname when I am working? I would never call you something silly in front of your coworkers. But yet you do not give me the […]
Asa here. I have to admit, I was really disappointed that I didn’t get to meet Dee Snider of Twisted Sister when he came to Maine last weekend. Because it was Dee who inspired me to become a rock star! The very first parody I ever wrote was to Twisted Sister’s paw pounding arena anthem, […]
Asa’s World Tour of Maine is BACK! We are kicking off our fall tour with our first stop in China, Maine! Alright true confessions, settled in 1774 and incorporated in 1818, China, Maine is NOT named for the country. Instead legislator, Japheth Wasburn, wanted to name the town “Bloomville.” But residents of nearby Bloomfield, which was […]
Bret Michaels of Poison and Dee Snider of Twisted Sister came to Maine this past weekend as part of the Parti-Gras 2.0 tour. Once again though, my manager, Chuck Billy, neglected to get me an invite. Regardless, I noticed Bret and Dee have some down time before their next show, so had my people got […]
Picture if you will, two dogs and their family walking on the beach. It is early morning, on a beautiful summer day. They are laughing and enjoying each other’s company, without a care in the world. That is until they crossed into another dimension. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless […]