Dog Friendly Trails
Dog friendly hiking trails for you to explore!
Well our Monday is off to a great start. Please note the sarcasm. On a good day, Dad bags up our poop, and puts them in a bigger bag to proudly carry with us on our walk. Unfortunately this morning there was a hole in the big bag, and being still half-asleep and coffee deprived, […]
Although technically yesterday was National Dog Day, approximately 63.4 million households in the United States have at least one pup, thus making every day Dog Day! Therefore to continue our celebration, here are some fun facts about dogs. According to the 2019/2020 National Pet Owners Survey there are 89.7 million dogs in the United States. […]
For over nine years, 3,000 Golden Retrievers and the Morris Animal Foundation have been on a mission. They have been participating in the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study, the largest and most comprehensive prospective canine health study ever undertaken by veterinary medicine in the United States. Each year with the help of veterinarians and dog owners, […]
Today Asa and I will be tackling the age old debate of which season is better, winter or summer. Being older and wiser, I will begin with my support of the best season ever, winter. Mother Nature, pull up a chair. I think you’re going to want to listen to this debate, and take notes. […]
Today we invite you to join us for a leisurely stroll down memory lane along Maine’s rocky coastline, at the Giant’s Stairs. Located in Harpswell, Maine, this in and out cliff walk is approximately a mile long and skirts the rugged coastline on a footpath through fragrant beach roses with breathtaking views of Casco Bay, […]
Dogs, this is our opportunity to create our own dog utopia, where we can be in charge and live our best lives! There is a village for sale in Maine! Tuthill, located approximately 15 minutes outside of Augusta, is a 55-acre complex with 25 buildings, and open spaces to run and play. Created by Kenneth […]
America’s longest war has ended. Yet for those who served in Afghanistan and elsewhere, the battle may still continue. Every day 22 Veterans take their own lives in the United States. These Veterans served our country and then came home to face the even greater challenges of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), […]
Asa may come across as a happy-go-lucky fellow. But just like everyone else he has an off day every once in a great while. Ok, so the first and only day I can think of it happening was one day in 2017 when I tried to surprise Asa with a Hawaiian themed staycation. So on […]
Well this is awkward. Asa and I have done such a great job leash training Mom and Dad to walk to our standards, that they’ve forgotten how to walk with other humans! For years now we have worked really hard to train Mom and Dad to walk at a heel with us. This includes automatically […]
It was too hot for us to go on an adventure this weekend. Instead, please join us as we daydream about our 2016 visit to Roque Bluffs State Park. Located on Schoppee Point in Roque Bluffs, Maine, this park offers over 6 miles of dog friendly hiking through diverse terrain. Consisting of 274 acres, the […]