Dog Friendly Trails
Dog friendly hiking trails for you to explore!
Gather round my friends, as I share this haunting poem about my Halloween plight that is truly a fright. For you see this isn’t the first Halloween I’ve dreaded what horror would be unleashed by dressing me in a costume. So while I continue to search to find where Asa hid the one he picked […]
Move over werewolves, vampires, ginormous spiders, and creepy cats, it’s time that Maine’s monster of the ocean deep gets featured in its own horror movie! I’m talking about none other than the lobster! Now before you go licking your chops dreaming of this Maine delicacy, you may have second thoughts after reading these shell shocking […]
At the end of the week I will be facing my nightmare. Asa picked out a Halloween costume for me. It’s not that I don’t like dressing up. It’s just that Asa and I have very different opinions on what a Halloween costume should be. In the spirit of the holiday, I think a costume […]
You know that time just before dawn when it’s still too dark to see, but you can somewhat make out figures in the shadows? Add to it a thick fog, and that describes our spooky walk yesterday. Before I share the details, I just want to note for the record that I was NOT afraid. […]
Finally there is scientific evidence to support my theory! In 2019 I made a startling discovery of Martian Cat geolgyphs in Maine, proving my theory that cats are from another planet. However, up until now, the world scoffed at my proof. That is until recently when archeologists discovered a new geoglyph at the world famous […]
Today I thought I’d give you an update on how the hair situation is going with my family. When I last updated you about their Hair Raising Experience in August, Mom had given up cutting her bangs and was growing them out for the Adams Family’s Cousin It look. Well I’m happy to report, she […]
Not to brag, but I will. According to data collected by the National UFO Reporting Center, in 2019 Maine ranked in the Top 5 for UFO sightings! Using the calls and messages reported to the National UFO Reporting Center, combined with state population data, the telecommunications company,, determined that Maine is one of the highest […]
In order to fully appreciate my side of the following conversation, you need to understand that Asa very rarely barks. Yet the last time he did bark, I foolishly ignored him, which led to my precious beehives being vandalized by raccoons. Therefore, I vowed from that day forward to always react when my little brother […]
You know how every neighborhood has that one creepy house? It may be a bit rundown. Or even completely abandoned. Or perhaps it looks perfectly normal, but there’s just a weird vibe coming from it. Well our neighborhood isn’t any different. However, what makes that house stand out on our street is Mom and Dad’s […]
Tired of the plain old neighborhood walk? This weekend lend a helping paw by participating in the Virtual Howl-O-Ween 5k to benefit the Animal Rescue League of New Hampshire! All you have to do is register, then go for your regularly planned walk anytime between October 15 and October 18, 2020. Be sure to share […]