Far too many friends crossed Rainbow Bridge this year. Some lived very long lives, while others left us way too soon. Others taught us grace and dignity while facing serious illnesses, and some left us so quickly we didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye. Many we knew personally and enjoyed our time together, and some we were so fortunate to be welcomed into their lives through Twitter and Facebook. All of them left paw prints on our heart. Although we would love to memorialize all of the dogs who crossed Rainbow Bridge in 2017, sadly there are too many to write a proper tribute to all of them individually, and we feel it is too impersonal to simply make a list. But please know that tears were shed at each of their passing, and that they have left paw prints on our hearts. However, as 2017 comes to a close, there are four dear friends that we would like to pause to remember.
Apollo (November 1, 2006 ~ November 29, 2017): Apollo was a true gentle giant with a kind soul. Born the same month as my big brother, Apollo and Lemmy were the best of friends. As puppies they shared their adventures and tips on how to get their humans wrapped around their paws. As adults they bemoaned the trials and tribulations of welcoming puppies into their families, while secretly loving every minute of it. Apollo crossed Rainbow Bridge on what would have been Lemmy’s 11th birthday, and in my heart I know that was no coincidence. Two old friends, together again. Apollo, we promise to watch over your little brother Fenix and your Mom for you.

Apollo, a gentle giant, who loved his little brother Fenix, and always knew when his Mom needed him by her side. (Photo Courtesy of Apollo’s Mom)
Sage (January 18, 2008 ~ June 1, 2017): Sage was a true “Wild Child,” whose antics with her brother Lyon gave us so many laughs. From the moment she joined her family, life was one big tail wagging adventure! Sage’s aunt, Momma Butter, often emailed Lemmy about the trials and tribulations of living with such a free spirit, who hated leashes, gates and car rides, but loved the outdoors. Sage spent her last day doing what she loved, swimming, trail walks, and a ball game with two tennis balls in her mouth. Also on that fateful day, her beloved brother, Lyon, sent her a beautiful rainbow over their field to help guide her back to him and their loving Mom, Pansy. I have no doubt that Rainbow Bridge got a whole lot livelier now that Sage and Lyon are back together.
Siep (September 1, 1998 ~ March 29, 2017): Siep taught us that cats and dogs truly can get along. Although Siep was a cat, he was our cousin Bear’s best friend. In fact, Siep spent almost as much time at Bear’s home, as he did his own. Each day they would enjoy breakfast together, followed by a nap in a sunny spot, and it was Siep who always reminded Bear when it was dinner time. He would even graciously share his food with Bear, after he ate what he wanted, of course! Their relationship taught us an important life lesson on the meaning of friendship. Thank you Siep, for taking good care of our cousin Bear, and keeping everyone on schedule.
Bear (December 6, 1999 ~ October 19, 2017): Our cousin Bear joined Siep over Rainbow Bridge just shy of his 18th birthday. Dear Bear was my greatest confidante! Whenever I had a question, or needed advice, or had a story to share, I knew I could always turn to Bear. Ok, so we may not have always seen things eye to eye, but that was no doubt because of Bear’s long fur covering his eyes! He was a dog who appreciated the simple joys of life, a sunny spot in the garden, evenings at home with his parents, a trip to the fish market to enjoy his favorite treat. In fact, Bear left this world curled up in his favorite spot; his basket next to the warmth of the Aga. Oh Bear, your gentle guidance is truly missed! But I take comfort knowing that you and Siep are together enjoying a delicious meal in a beautiful garden over Rainbow Bridge.
Charles Dickens once wrote, “And can it be that in a world so full and busy, the loss of one creature makes a void so wide and deep that nothing but the width and depth of eternity can fill it up.” Thank you, my friends, for being a part of lives! We will meet again someday at the end of the trail. If you said goodbye to a cherished loved one this year, you have our deepest condolences. But know that they will always live on in the hearts of those who loved them.