As 2019 draws to a close, we’d like to pause and reflect on the lives of dear friends who crossed Rainbow Bridge this year. Some we knew since they were a puppy, while others we were just starting to know. Some we never met in person, but through their tweets and posts, they became dear friends. While others are members of our extended family who left far too soon. However, as each one crossed Rainbow Bridge they all left loving paw prints on our hearts and will be fondly remembered.
Some lived wonderful long lives, such as Miss Twiggy, Texas, Tag, and Sydney, who all enjoyed adventures into their teenage years. While others were puppies who barely took their first breath before being called back to Rainbow Bridge to play. Others such as Lucy were beloved Moms and Dads, whose legacies live on in their offspring. There were also loving siblings who crossed within months of each other, including Roxy and Kailee Marie.
Then there were the dogs who selflessly served their communities in their own special way. K9 Max worked proudly side by side with his fellow police officers. While Rosie and Bridget brought smiles to many through their work as therapy dogs. Sweet Crystal made us stop scrolling and think each day with her daily words of wisdom. Others invited us along on their hiking adventures including Moray and Jake. Some dogs were known around the world, like Sporty, the leash carrying Golden from Chicago, and Miley who shared her favorite products with us. But many more lived quiet lives away from the spotlight, including our dear friends Gracie and Simon.
Far too many crossed Rainbow Bridge due to cancer. It breaks our heart how many times the cause of death was hemangiosarcoma, that cancer dreaded by Golden Retrievers and veterinarians. Some including Nala, Luke, and Olivia, defied their diagnosis and packed a lot of living into their final months, enjoying swimming, hiking and beach romps, with tails held high. While others left far too quickly, and barely gave their families time to say goodbye, like Ty, Rocco, Cleo, and Biscuit. Then there was Rio, a member of our extended family and “honorary Golden,” who had a rough start in life, only to be diagnosed with cancer after finally finding a loving forever home. Sadly, cancer also took dear cat friends, including Sophia Loren, who was determined to remain “classy and sassy to the end,” despite her diagnosis.
As Danke’s Mom so eloquently eulogized, “some angels are only meant to stay for a spell.” Sadly there are far too many names to properly pay tribute to each and everyone who left us this year. Over 50 of our friends crossed Rainbow Bridge. However, please know that when we heard your sad news, we wept and prayed for these dear friends and their families who continue to mourn their passing. There are two pups though that crossed Rainbow Bridge in 2019 that have forever left paw prints on our hearts, that we would like to pay special tribute to today.
Pistachio entered this world on February 21, 2018 and was determined to live despite having many odds against her. No matter what life threw at this tiny pup, her indomitable spirit would not let her be defeated. Pistachio faced each new challenge as only a Golden Retriever would, with grace, dignity, and of course adorable goofiness. We learned many life lessons about love and hope, as we watched Pistachio’s family fight her disease and give her the best life possible. We all cheered when she reached a milestone that few veterinarians thought possible, her first birthday. Sadly though, despite her zest for life, Pistachio crossed Rainbow Bridge on May 20, 2019. Protective of her little sister, Pistachio’s older sister Hailey soon followed her over Rainbow Bridge in September. Our deepest condolences go out to Pistachio’s family, and a heartfelt thank you for sharing her journey with us.
On November 13, 2019 we received the heartbreaking news that our very dear friend Hailey Bean quietly crossed Rainbow Bridge in the night. With her big paws, and one floppy ear, this small pup had a huge personality. Beanie, as her family affectionately called her, had a very rough start in life. However, thanks to the kindness of a foster family, she eventually found her way to her forever home with loving big siblings Monte, Maggie and later on goofy Benji. After coming out of her shell Hailey definitely knew what she liked and didn’t like. She loved cheese, blankets, and her family, especially Andrew. It was Andrew and his loving family that helped Hailey experience so many firsts in her short time with them. They also respected what she didn’t like, namely car rides, vegetables, and that she was not about to get her paws wet on rainy days to do her business. Her family graciously adapted their lifestyle to accommodate hers. Hailey Bean’s sudden passing still brings tears, but we take comfort that when she crossed Rainbow Bridge Beanie truly knew what it meant to be loved.
Charles Dickens once wrote, “And can it be that in a world so full and busy, the loss of one creature makes a void in any heart, so wide and deep that nothing but the width and depth of eternity can fill it up.” To everyone who experienced a loss this year, please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

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