Sometimes it’s incredibly difficult to be a good dog and play by the rules. The new rule around here is “no playing fetch with Grandma’s yoga ball.” But look at it! How can such a rule exist? Everyone knows that my motto is “fetch is life!” Playing fetch with that ginormous ball would be awesome! Oh sure it’s too big to actually catch, and it doesn’t squeak. But just imagine how much fun it would be to chase it across the yard!
Yet all I can do is imagine, because I’m a good boy who plays by the rules. So while Chuck Billy takes Mom and Dad for a walk, I’m home alone with this tempting toy. Would anyone know if I played with it just a little? Probably not. However, because Grandma calls me her “good boy,” I don’t want to disappoint her. So here I sit, guarding her yoga ball, waiting for the day she comes back to visit and plays fetch with me.