Yesterday would have been our brother Angel Lemmy’s 16th birthday. Isla Paschal Richardson, once wrote, “Grieve not, nor speak of me with tears, but laugh and talk of me as if I were beside you.” So today we are sharing an email Lemmy sent at just 9 months old to his Momma Butter filled with all sorts of important “life lessons” and advice. We hope it brings a smile to your face.*
August 16, 2007
Dear Momma Butter,
I love summer! My apologies for not writing sooner, but there are so many fun things to do and places to go in the summer! I hate heatwaves though. They are no fun at all. After all I am a winter puppy.
But it has not been all fun and play. I have learned some valuable lessons lately. The kind they don’t teach you in obedience class and you have to figure out on your own.
First, when mastering the art of lifting one’s leg, don’t show off by lifting it too high because you may lose your balance and fall over. Not that I would ever be silly enough to do that…really I didn’t!
Second, never try to sniff the dogs on the TV screen. All you get is a snout full of dust.
Third, I’M A BOY! But no matter how bad your needs are, never get amorous when Grandma comes for a visit. You end up getting a squirt from a bottle of lemon juice in the face. Don’t they know that ruins the mood? And when visiting your cat cousins, don’t try to hump them either. They have claws. No wonder my teacher was so concerned over teaching me the “leave it” command with cats!
Fourth, hunger strikes get you a lot of attention! Unfortunately, I think someone clued Mom and Dad in to what I was doing, because they don’t seem so concerned now. But they have been distracted lately when making my meals, and have accidentally added delicious extras like yogurt and eggs. Sssshhh, please don’t tell them. I’m trying to play it cool, but boy does it taste good.
Fifth, there comes a time in every dog’s life when he must stand up for what he believes in! After being humiliated by my Pepere who forced me to pose in a Yankees shirt (yep, we have a Yankees fan in the family), I lost my mind and attacked his Yankees hat. I know, I know, that wasn’t very nice of me. But my loyalty to the Red Sox runs deep. I think Pepere is going to get revenge by buying me a Yankees collar to wear – help!
Could you please pass along these life lessons to my siblings. I hope you’re enjoying your summer!
Love, Lemmy
Editor’s Note: Lemmy and Momma Butter had a very special relationship, and emailed frequently. I’m sure today they are laughing at this email, which, by the way, shocked Butter at the time when she read what her good boy was up to! But as always gently guided him with her advice on more appropriate behavior, especially to leave Grandma alone and stay away from cats!