What kind of a boss would I be if I didn’t give Mom and Dad a day off every once in awhile, especially for their anniversary? Believe it or not, they were married in the last century! That makes them like a bazillion dog years old! It was so long ago, that it was before Asa and myself joined our family, and even predates Lemmy! But don’t worry, they did have a “dog” back then too.
Introducing Puppy! Mom and Dad’s first “dog!” Please don’t tell Mom he’s just a stuffed animal. I’m pretty sure there was a time that she was convinced he was a real dog. Oh, and he wasn’t always called Puppy. His formal name is Andre. He was a wedding gift, and for some unexplained reason Mom and Dad decided to name him after the event planner for the restaurant. I’m not even sure who gave them this “dog,” but I owe you a great deal of gratitude. Because based on the old photos I found of Puppy, Mom and Dad sure had a lot to learn about taking care of a dog. Would you believe they even tossed him in the dryer at one point! I also owe Puppy a big thank you, for standing in for me when Lemmy wanted a little brother. You were a dear friend to Lemmy for many years.
Puppy is still with us, and spends most of his time hanging out in the guest bedroom. However occasionally he comes downstairs to play. Now that I think of it, he must be a bazillion dog years old too!