‘Twas the week before Christmas when all through the mall, I needed to buy presents, and Asa was no help at all! Oh who am I fooling? I don’t have time to rhyme. The clock is ticking and I need to buy gifts for my family now!

A velvet suit for Dad would be perfect! All my fur will easily stick to it, so everywhere he goes people will know he’s my Dad. But then again it’s not very practical for hiking. I better keep looking.

Hey Chuck Billy, what about giving Dad a massage chair? With the money he puts into it to make it work, we can buy more bacon scented squeaky balls! It’s the gift that keeps on giving!

Perhaps I should buy Mom her very own ornament? Let’s see, there’s Abby, Adam, Allison, Andrew… I don’t have time to read through all these to find “Mom!” Besides she already has enough Christmas decorations.

Chuck Billy, Mom really likes shiny things this time of year. Maybe something from this store would be nice?

Yoo hoo! Chuck Billy! Over here! Instead of getting Mom more Christmas bling, let’s make her smell like Christmas! The sign even says, “What Christmas smells like,” in case you have your doubts.

Why does Chuck Billy keep ignoring all my great suggestions? I think I’m going to buy him his very own Elf on a Shelf to remind him to be nice to me!

Why is Asa over there by that Elf? No one wants to be spied on for Christmas! Which reminds me, I need to get Asa a gift! Perhaps a pair of sunglasses to help protect his eyes when Mom puts medicine in to dilate them at night?

Oh who am I fooling? A pair of sunglasses would only add to his delusions of being a rock star. Just look at him standing over there daydreaming about someday having his music sold in that store.

That’s it! I finally found the perfect gift for everyone on my shopping list! Everyone will be getting tasty new socks for Christmas!