Yesterday while on neighborhood patrol, a bird decided to relieve herself on Asa. Yep, splat right on his shoulder and part of his harness. Good aim for hitting a moving target, from such a distance sitting high above our heads on the electric lines. But that’s not the point of this story. Mom immediately proclaimed, “that’s good luck!” Apparently according to Great Nana, it is good luck if a bird poops on you. I beg to differ with this “logic.”
Case in point, Asa rolled in mud last week and managed to avoid getting a bath! Mom and Dad each had a full scheduled that day. By the time evening rolled around the mud had dried, and Mom simply brushed his fur clean. I believe she even called his fur “magical,” because there was no trace of the dirt. Now that’s lucky!
However, this bird incident was worse than getting the “Go To Jail” card in Monopoly! Do not pass go! Do not collect any treats! It was straight to the tub Asa went for a scrubbing. In whose world is that lucky? Certainly not for Mom, who had to reschedule her afternoon. Definitely not for Asa who had to get a bath. Yet later in the day I overheard Mom once again telling Grandma, “Asa had a bird poop on him for good luck today!” And Grandma whole heartedly agreed with this statement.
I guess Grandma is in a way lucky, because we will be visiting for Mother’s Day. Who wants a bird poopy pup in their home? And I’m lucky because the bird missed me, so I did not get a bath. But I still question Asa’s “luck!”