On Sunday morning my breakfast was served one hour early. Dinner was also served an hour early as well. The same thing happened today at breakfast. I did not have to subtly remind Mom that mealtime was fast approaching. In fact it was a nice surprise to wake from a nap yesterday, and see her going to get my food without any prompting from me. I wish this no drama approach to dinning could be like that every day. But alas, I know this change in routine is due to the switch to Daylight Saving Time, of which I am now acclimated.
Therefore Mom, consider yourself warned. This afternoon anywhere from one hour or even two hours before dinner time, I will once again resume my routine of staring at you, followed by some slight stomping of the paws, to finally flipping your hands off the keyboard to remind you that the dinner countdown clock has been reset. After all, this dog runs on Golden Standard Time, and that will never change.