After visiting Vienna, Asa’s World Tour of Maine next rolled into nearby Belgrade. First settled in 1774, it was incorporated as Belgrade in 1796, named after the largest city in Serbia, and one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in Europe and the world. However, exactly why that name was chosen for this Maine town remains a mystery to us. What isn’t a mystery is why the small year round population more than doubles during the summer months. The Belgrade Lakes Region boasts some of the finest lakes and ponds in Maine! In fact, Great Pond served as the inspiration for Ernest Thompson’s On Golden Pond, and E.B. White, who wrote Charlotte’s Web, shared fond memories of visiting here in his childhood, in his essay “Once More to the Lake.”
Asa: I thought On Golden Pond was filmed at Squam Lake in New Hampshire?
Chuck Billy: It was. However, playwright Ernest Thompson was inspired to write On Golden Pond by his summers spent with his family at Great Pond, the largest of Belgrade’s Lakes. And before that beginning in 1904, writer E. B. White spent each August as a child here with his family. He later returned with his own son, and reminisced in his 1941 essay, “there having been no passage of time, only the illusion of it as in a dropped curtain.” After driving through the quaint town center, I can understand what White meant. But enough about literature!
The Belgrade Lakes Region is also known for its 7 Lakes Alliance trail system, offering a variety of options for every skill level, and are dog friendly. Unfortunately on the September day that we visited, Asa was nursing an injured dew claw, and Mom was still recovering from a medical procedure. So enjoying one of these great trails was not an option for us. Instead I thought we’d explore a place called Blueberry Hill Scenic Area. According to the information I found online, this scenic overlook was an easy drive, with scenic views, and a picnic area.

I should have checked the dates of these reviews, because that’s not exactly what we found on our September 2024 visit. The picnic area not well maintained, with trash, graffiti and dog waste. At least the part about the beautiful view held true! A neighbor saw us turn up the road, and followed us, since apparently no one other than mischief makers go there. He was kind enough to give us directions to much better hiking trails and views in the area. But as previously mentioned, neither Asa nor Mom were up for a hike.
Not every stop on Asa’s World Tour of Maine is a success. We take full responsibility that had we been in better condition, we’d have explored the trails in Belgrade, and given a much different review. As Dr. John sang in his 1973 hit, “I been in the right place, but it must have been the wrong time.” So after briefly enjoying the view, we traveled on to pose by the memorial for first responders at the town offices, before continuing on our way.