Fun Fact! You know the song the Twelve Days of Christmas? Today, January 6th, is the twelfth day of Christmas! What better way to celebrate than to share what Dad gave his true love for Christmas! In keeping with tradition, Chuck Billy liked to tell everyone each year about the unique gifts Dad picked out for Mom. And for longtime followers, you know that has included some really unique surprises from toilet seats, rain gutters, and even a frying pan! So I feel I must caution that this year’s gift is a repeat. But as you know what comes around goes around. So before I go round and round any farther, here’s the big reveal… Snow Tires!
Now before you accuse Dad of forgetting he already gave Mom snow tires, that was 11 years and many miles ago. As time rolled on, so did those snow tires, and they needed to be replaced. Mom was actually pleased with her gift. However, where Dad did get into a little trouble was he already gave her tires this year. You see in the spring for their anniversary, a rather big anniversary I might add, he surprised her with a new set of all season tires. Again, something Mom’s car needed.
I admit Dad was the only lord a leapin’ over these gifts, because Mom may have preferred 5 golden rings instead of 8 rubber ones. But not to be deterred our fair maid is milking it for all it is worth, while drumming up suggestions for possible gifts next year. Gifts that will get our lady dancing, and me looking forward to piping about it! As for me, I’m rather disappointed Dad didn’t go with an obvious choice on this twelfth day of Christmas, namely a partridge in a pear tree. After all yesterday was, National Bird Day, and our pear tree could use a partridge!