Royal Taste Tester Application

The ruler of our little kingdom, Dad, has proclaimed he has food poisoning, and gave the royal decree that he will never eat again! Mom thinks he just has the flu. But yesterday she didn’t see him eat those weird smelling leftovers that Dad found in the back of the refrigerator. As the Court Jester, I think it is about time I expand my role to become the Royal Taste Tester, to prevent this situation from happening again.

I saw an old timey movie where the King had a special friend who got to taste all his food first, to assure it was safe to eat. I’d be more than willing to perform that responsibility. Best yet, unlike Dad, I don’t make a big fuss when my tummy doesn’t feel well. I just vomit on the nearest rug or hard to wash surface, and go on with my day. However, Mom is sticking to her theory that Dad has the flu and has denied my application to be the Royal Taste Tester. And Dad doesn’t want to discuss anything concerning food at the moment.

In the meantime, the offer still stands while I supervise Mom making homemade chicken and rice soup for when he feels better.


About the author

Asa is an up and coming rock star, and devoted younger brother to Angel Chuck Billy.