Five years ago on this date, at approximately 9:00 PM, our Lemmy crossed Rainbow Bridge. His courageous battle against Cushing’s Disease was over. We were blessed to be able to spend one final week with Lemmy. Mom and Dad both worked outside of the home back then. Where Mom worked, that week was the busiest one in the whole year. Yet her boss let her drop everything to be home with her dear boy, and for that she is forever grateful. Dad was also able to take time out of work, so we could be together as a family before saying goodbye.
I was just a puppy, barely two years old, but I knew that week was special. Mom and Dad took Lemmy and I to all of his favorite places. Although he was too weak to play, Lemmy laid in the sand, wagging his tail while watching me run on the beach. At Fort Foster where Lemmy had his first adventure as a puppy seven years earlier, he quietly sat and watched the ocean. He even mustered enough energy to get his paws wet one last time. There was also a lot of time spent at home just cuddling with Lemmy, and sharing stories of his grand adventures.
Lemmy must have known that final morning would be his last. That old glimmer of mirth and mischief was in his eyes again as he led Mom and Dad on one last hike through our woods. I stayed behind at home that day. The three of them had a very special bond, and I knew they needed to say goodbye without me. You see Mom and Dad bought that land so Lemmy would have plenty of room to run, and built our home designed around his needs. Even the car Dad drives to this day was purchased for Lemmy, before he was part of our family. Seven long years of saving, and planning, and preparing went into Lemmy’s arrival. So much so that his AKC name was Golden Pond Long Time Coming. It just didn’t seem fair for Mom and Dad to have to say goodbye to him after seven short years together.
That evening a special vet came to the house to help us say goodbye. She was late by two hours. Sadly she had received an emergency call to help another dog cross Rainbow Bridge that evening. But that was ok. It gave us more time to be together. It also gave Mom the opportunity to not only experience one last sunrise with Lemmy, but they also watched one final sunset together too. Lemmy passed away that Friday night surrounded by the loving family he held so dear.
To be honest I didn’t think Mom and Dad’s tears would ever stop flowing after that night. Also if anyone ever tells you that dogs don’t grieve, they are sadly mistaken. For months following his death, I would sneak into Lemmy’s crate, bury my nose deep into his bed, and breathe in deeply. It took a long time for us to get use to our new normal without Lemmy. There were favorite places that we no longer could bear the thought of visiting without him, songs Mom couldn’t sing because they reminded her of her walking buddy, and treasured toys placed out of my reach.
However, Lemmy wouldn’t have wanted droopy tails. That’s why he sent us Asa to remind us to be happy again. For you see around the time Lemmy got seriously sick he developed this one white freckle on his deep red face. Mom and Dad are now convinced that freckle was Lemmy’s way of telling them everything was going to be ok. Because nine months after his passing, we welcomed Asa, a white ball of fluff, into our family.
It’s been five years since Lemmy crossed Rainbow Bridge, and the tears still come. But we can now smile too with the memories of our dear Lemmy. His favorite toy, Mr. Octopus, sits by Mom’s desk as a daily reminder. There are also other mementos and photos throughout the house so his constant presence is felt. Lemmy also checks in with us from time to time. Because despite all her vacuuming, Mom occasionally still finds his distinctive red fur in places she knows that she has cleaned. She says that is proof he is still watching over us. We take comfort now knowing he is pain free, and with his best friends Grandpa and Momma Butter. We also take comfort knowing that he’ll be there to greet us at the end of the trail someday. Until then, thank you Lemmy for being YOU! We wish you could have stayed with us longer, but what a wonderful life full of living you packed into those seven years. See you at the end of the trail.

See you at the end of the trail, Lemmy.
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