Welcome to the 2nd Annual Take Your Lllama to the Beach Day, with your hosts Asa and Llily Llama! Last year while updating our blog post on Dog Beach Rules, I came across one town ordinance that I found very upsetting. “Horses, ponies, llamas, vicunas, alpacas and other large domesticated animals are not permitted within the beach areas between April 1 and October 1.” In case you’re wondering like we were, vicunas are a smaller relative of the llama. Now I can understand horses being banned, because they make quite a big mess. We once saw a guy following them along the beach with the biggest pooper scooper we’ve ever seen! But llamas? Alright, to be honest, neither Chuck Billy nor I have ever seen a llama on this beach or any other that we visit. However on that June day last year, I decided to take a stand, and invited Llily Llama to join us for a walk on the beach. This weekend, that tradition continued.
Dog rules I most certainly abide by, but there comes a time when there needs a little llama drama! Alright, so they aren’t specifically mentioned on the sign, but the town ordinance online clearly states they aren’t allowed.

Was Chuck Billy upset by my act of rebellion? Absolutely!

But that wasn’t going to stop Llily Llama and I from enjoying our walk on the beach!

Soon Chuck Billy joined us in our cause!

Alright, it helped that there was rain in the forecast, so the beach was empty. But we made our point!