Christmas is all about traditions. Little did we realize Asa was starting his own Christmas tradition last year, as a sheep dog! It all began in 2022 when Mom brought home a small Lambie squeaky toy as a gift for our Cousin Casey. Asa became absolutely fixated on that toy, seeking it out no matter where Mom tried to hide it. Eventually Mom conceded, and let him have it, and bought Cousin Casey a different toy.

Fast forward to this year, and Asa once again has his heart set on a new sheep friend. It all began when Mom caught him paying particularly close attention to one of the Nativity sets. Normally Asa is a very good boy, who looks but doesn’t touch the decorations. So at first, Mom wasn’t too concerned about his sheepish behavior by the Christmas tree.

Little did she realize though he was pulling the wool over her eyes! When she wasn’t looking, Asa sneaked back into that room and absconded with the sheep! Mom found him hanging out in the kitchen with it, trying to act natural.

Mom, of course, retrieved the little lost sheep, and back into the manger the sheep went, with Asa following. Mom jokingly reminded him, “Ewe don’t want to upset Santa!” But alas, Asa was not listening!

As with Cousin Casey’s Lambie, Asa is determined to spend Christmas with his new best friend.

At one point Mom found that he left a squeaky chipmunk on the floor by the manger, which Asa thought was a suitable swap. She disagreed. He even tried to claim he was helping the Shepherd find his lost sheep!

We appear to be at a standoff at this point, as to whether the sheep will be spending Christmas in the Nativity set or with Asa. But I think we all know what the outcome will be…