Dogs, has this ever happened to you? Your human throws a snowball, only to have it disappear despite your best efforts to find it. Well rest assured it has nothing to do with your search and rescue skills. Dogs, don’t be alarmed, but your yard could be a snow portal to anther dimension!
As a renowned Dog Ufologist, I have been studying the phenomenon of portals for years now, but it wasn’t until our recent storm that I have applied my theory to snowballs. How could I be so blinded by my love of snow to let my guard down! That is the only reasonable explanation for the missing snowballs.
To test my theory, I repeatedly dropped my beloved squeaky ball into the fluffy snow. Each time I was able to retrieve it. However, when Dad threw a snowball, it hit the ground and – poof! It disappeared into oblivion.
I still have a lot more research to do to determine why this happens to snowballs and not other types of balls. But at least we can all rest assured, this isn’t some mean trick by our humans. Because they would never do that to us!