It seems like everyone is getting dressed up for Halloween these days. Dogs, cats, and even guinea pigs like to don a costume in the spirit of the season. But would you believe spiders are wearing disguises this year too! Why back in my day, a spider was scary enough just being a spider. But not anymore!
The other day I was out on backyard patrol with Mom, when she spotted something suspicious in the tall grass. She assumed it was a colorful mushroom. After all, our yard has been looking like Smurf village with the numerous mushrooms growing in it thanks to all that rain this summer.

Not wanting Asa to be tempted to eat it, she stooped over to pick it and discover much to her horror it was not a mushroom at all! It was a spider in a Halloween costume! Oh sure Dad claimed it was a momma spider, but that is beside the point. What was that spider doing dressed up as a mushroom?

So if you see something suspicious in your yard this Halloween, just remember not all is what it appears to be in October! Except this spider. This spider is clearly a squeaky spider, that Asa insisted pose with us.