Asa here. Despite springing forward with the time change yesterday, I find myself falling further and further behind. Well at least I am when it comes to my meals. Thanks to my sudden voracious appetite, Mom thought I should use a slow feeder bowl. Sure since switching to this bowl I no longer burp repeatedly after meals, and my tummy does feel better. But after mysteriously losing an hour between Saturday night and Sunday morning, I feel I should be making up for lost time, not adding to it!
I’m not opposed to eating slow. For years I savored my food, but lately I’ve been a lot more enthusiastic. However this bowl isn’t just slowing me down, it is making me work for my meals! I practically made myself dizzy at breakfast trying to get those last two blueberries being pushed round and round in circles as I tried to eat them. Thankfully Mom eventually intervened and helped me.
Chuck Billy has been using a slow feeder bowl for years, and has the precision of a NASCAR driver the way he can effortlessly go around that racetrack, hugging the curves, to get every last piece of kibble out. As for me, my technique can be best described as similar to Cookie Monster, with pieces of food flying everywhere. Chuck Billy assures me that with practice I’ll get better. But do I have the tenacity like he does to reach this goal?