Asa here. While Chuck Billy continues to bask in the glory of finally being friends with Santa, I thought I’d share with you my exciting tale about getting my picture taken with that jolly old elf. My pet photos with Santa was truly a rollercoaster ride of emotions, that ended beyond by wildest dreams.
Now I’ve had my photo taken with Santa previous years, and all have been relatively uneventful. I politely greet him, we chat a bit, and then I flash my big Golden grin for the camera. So I’m really not sure what came over me when I went to see Santa at the pet supply store. Maybe it was the excited energy of all the dogs waiting in line? Perhaps it was the Holiday music that made me want to dance? Or just the fact that Santa was hanging out in my favorite store? I don’t know. But as soon as Santa and I locked eyes, I got really excited.

I’m not talking wiggly bum, haven’t seen you in awhile excited. Nope, I’m talking like that scene from the movie Elf, when Buddy sees Santa at the store and bubbles over with Holiday cheer! Trust me this photo does not begin to capture what happened, but Mom was too busy trying to calm me to snap photos.

Thankfully, Santa is a patient and gentle soul, who helped me to calm down, while Mrs. Claus worked her magic with the camera. I left the store with an awesome photo, but my conscience told me I was in real danger of being on the naughty list.

The following week when I attended the Santa Paws Fest, I knew this was my second chance at proving to him I’m a good boy. The whole ride there I kept reminding myself to “keep it together.” Then I promptly forgot my mantra when I entered the building and saw all those sparkling lights, sniffed the air filled with the smell of treats, and heard the sounds of a live band! I’m really not sure what happened. Everything was a blur. But I do know Santa somehow ended up on the floor with me.

Even more troubling, when it came time for Chuck Billy’s photo at Santa Paws Fest, Santa was no where to be found! Seriously, Santa did not even stick around after being with me to get his photo with my brother. But that may be more due in part to Chuck Billy’s reputation, and nothing about my experience with him…I hope.

Either way, I knew this trip to the mall would be my final chance at redemption. I took deep breaths and sat by Dad’s side while trying to block out all the excitement going on around me in the line. There were little humans bouncing and dancing on a candy cane sugar high in front of me. Behind me a puppy was excitedly barking Christmas songs, while further back two dogs were playing with glee. Then there was the sound of the Elf’s squeaky toy as she captured each special moment with Santa.

However, just one grin from Santa, and I knew I had nothing to fear. I jumped right up on his chair next to him, and flashed my biggest Golden grin at the camera. I even gave Santa my paw to hold for added effect. In fact, my picture came out so good that Santa and his lead Elf asked if they could keep a photo of me to add to Santa’s personal portfolio of favorite photos! ME?! Santa wanted MY photo!
Maybe I misread the previous situations? Perhaps Santa was just as excited meeting me at all those other events? I wonder if he heard some of my songs or read my jokes? Either way this is truly an honor beyond my wildest dreams. And that’s saying something, because I tend to have wild dreams!