Take that naysayers! You scoffed at my determination to keep my Christmas tree up past December. You rolled your eyes at my optimism that if it stayed up perhaps more gifts will be delivered. Well who’s laughing now? ME! That’s who, because it is March and we received a Christmas gift!
Oh sure there is the technicality that it wasn’t delivered by Santa. It is a gift from our Husky cousins, Kalani and Azure. But it is clearly a Christmas gift, and it is obviously March, so my theory worked! In fact, may I be emboldened to say that perhaps Santa is watching and now that he knows this wasn’t some sort of trap by Chuck Billy, he will be inspired to make an off-season visit to deliver more gifts!
Now I know what some of you, especially Chuck Billy, may be thinking. In order to truly prove my scientific theory, I need to replicate what happened. Therefore, my Christmas tree must stay up longer in order for more gifts to be delivered!