While I continue to wait to hear back about my inquiry regrading using a trip to International Space Station as a tax write-off, I’ll share this discussion about taxes that is a lot closer to home. Did you know there was once an attempt to let humans get a tax deduction for their dogs? Take a stroll down memory lane with this blog post from 2016.
Dogs and Taxes (March 9, 2016)
You may think my life is all beach romps, trail hikes, and treats. However, I also have to manage my finances as well. Thankfully, I don’t have to tackle the daunting process of preparing my taxes. Instead, I visit my friend Precious.
As a puppy, I prepared my own tax returns. But it didn’t take long for me to run into trouble trying to decipher the tax codes and endless paperwork. How was I suppose to know I couldn’t claim Mom and Dad as dependents? Luckily for me, Precious is very knowledgeable about tax laws. Not only can I not claim Mom and Dad, but they can’t claim me as a dependent either.
However, that could have all changed back in 2009 when Senator Thaddeus McCotter (R Michigan) introduced a bill that would have given pet owners up to $3,500 a year in tax refunds for “qualified pet care” costs. Hailed by animal activists as a means to help families hit hard by the recession from surrendering a dog to the already crowded animal shelters in our country, this legislation received a lot of support….except at Capitol Hill. Unfortunately, the bill known as the HAPPY Act (Humanity and Pets Partnered through the Years) died in Committee.
Although the HAPPY Act failed, there are special circumstances in which dog related expenses can be used as a deduction. However, you need to discuss these potential deductions with a tax professional to confirm they are legitimate for your personal financial and tax situation. As for me, thanks to Precious’ help, my taxes are done and now I have plenty of time to take care of what really matters to me, finding Dog Friendly Places and sharing with the world my wit and wisdom of living with Asa.