Six years ago this month I started this blog with a few goals in mind. I was excited about the impending arrival of my little brother Asa, and wanted to share our adventures. Hence the name of the blog, “Living with a Golden.” I also promised my older brother Lemmy that I would keep his memory alive by sharing his stories. In addition, I wanted to share my favorite Dog Friendly Places to visit. Mom and Dad were constantly getting asked by their friends for recommendations and the rules at each location. Therefore, I wanted to make it easier for friends to make plans for their own tail wagging adventures.
At the time, I thought I would make new friends in our corner of Maine, and most likely around New England. However, never in my wildest imagination, and you know my imagination is wild, did I ever dream I’d be chatting daily with friends from across the country and even around the world!
Therefore in honor of our anniversary, I want to thank YOU! Thank you for sharing your corner of the world with us, and letting Asa and me tag along on your adventures. I especially want to thank you for being there for us this past year. This pandemic tried to make our world smaller by keeping us home. However, thanks to your friendship, our world got a whole lot bigger! We’ve been able to travel vicariously through you, and take great comfort knowing we’re all muddling through these strange new safety guidelines together.
Therefore today, Asa and I raise our water bowl in a toast to YOU! Thank you for being our friends! Cheers to six years of going on adventures together and to more future fun with Living with a Golden!

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