I admit I sometimes I give my little brother a hard time. I have to do it. It’s my job as a big brother. Just like it is Asa’s job as my little brother to be extra annoying. However, despite all my teasing I know I can count on Asa in an emergency. Would you believe at the tender age of just 6 months old Asa saved my life? Seriously, he rescued me from certain death in the hands of malicious squeaky toys!
It all happened way back in 2015, when I was showing Asa around at his first NHSPCA’s Paws Walk. It started out as the perfect day: dogs as far as the eye could see, new best friends handing out free frisbees, and the tantalizing smell of treats wafting through the air. A puppy paradise! But then paradise turned into a nightmare! There before me stood two of the scariest squeaky toys I’ve ever seen. Not only were they ginormous, they were also moving! I knew instantly why Red Ruff and Kenny were there. They wanted to seek revenge for all the squeaky toys I’ve killed!
Before I could yell “run” to Asa, I was surrounded. But that’s when the little whippersnapper totally surprised me. He didn’t run, he didn’t even flinch, he was immediately at my side protecting me from my furry avengers! Yes Asa, who at that age was still in awe of his own tail and was convinced everyone including squirrels were his friends, was rescuing me! I’d never believe it myself if I didn’t have the photos to prove it! Perhaps he really is a Dire Wolf? Whatever the case, the menacing squeakies knew they were no match for Asa. They even offered a gesture of peace and waved goodbye to us as we walked away!
I learned an important lesson that day. I knew no matter how goofy he appeared, I could depend on my little brother to step up and help during emergencies. I also vaguely recall promising to respect squeaky toys from that day forward. But clearly I only said that because I was still in shock from the incident.
[Pssst. Asa here. Can you keep a secret? I thought Chuck Billy was playing with our new best friends, and I wanted in on the fun. But let’s just keep that between us, and let Chuck Billy think I saved his life.]

Asa giving them the stink eye, so they would never mess with us again. [Truth be told I was in awe of the two most awesome squeaky toys I’ve ever met.]
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