The situation with the Chipmunk garden vandal has escalated. Although the Chipmunk appears to be leaving the other plants alone, his obsession with my sunflowers continue. Despite Dad’s best efforts to plant the sunflower seeds inside to let them sprout before replanting them outside in the garden, the Chipmunk’s crime spree continues. The plants are repeatedly discovered dug up just hours after being put in my garden. But I’m not one to be outsmarted by a Chipmunk! I have devised a clever three part plan to end this caper!
Part one: Because the Chipmunk cannot resist returning to the scene of the crime, instead of having Dad plant the sunflowers in the same spot, I told him to plant something different there. Running low on things to plant, at first this seemed to be a bit of a problem. That is until Mom discovered in the far back of the veggie pantry an onion that has started to sprout. Perfect! The Chipmunk will be lured in by the sprouts, but there is no way he could dig up the ginormous onion attached. It is bigger than he is!

Part two: I instructed Dad to plant the sunflower seedlings in these flower pots clearly labeled, “boxwoods!” The Chipmunk will mistake the sunflowers as boxwoods, and will therefore leave them alone! Or at least he’s so far hasn’t touched the boxwoods Dad planted a few weeks ago. I better not let my guard down.

Part 3: Although I will continue to stand watch for this mischievous Chipmunk, I can’t be on duty 24/7, and Asa is too easily distracted. Therefore I hired Ms. Owl to help me with patrol. Her references are excellent. Although I am concerned if she paid attention to me during training, because she keeps asking, “Who?”

Now if you’ll excuse me, it is my shift to guard my sunflower seedling. I must remain alert because one can never let your guard down when dealing with a criminal mastermind.