Well that didn’t go as planned. Mom really should have left well enough alone, because now she has an even bigger mess to clean up. Mom for some inexplicable reason thought Asa and I needed baths before Thanksgiving. Personally, we both thought we smelled and looked awesome before the baths, but that is not the point of this tale. Rather, this is about the even coating of Asa’s fur covering everything in our kitchen.
Now normally bath time is contained to our small mudroom, where we have a utility tub just for us. Well for some reason Mom decided not to dry Asa in our bathroom. She claimed it is small, and there’s more maneuvering room in the kitchen. Besides, unlike me who runs for my life at the mere sight of the hairdryer, Asa oddly enough enjoys it. So no reason to contain him in a small space.
What Mom didn’t factor in was the floof factor that does need to be contained. As she dried Asa’s fur, he was happily sending his Golden confetti fur all over the kitchen. There’s an even coating on the floor, the table, the counter tops, the appliances, the curtains, and most surprising as Dad discovered this morning inside the toaster.
Now on the bright side, Asa is happy because he wanted snow for his birthday, and in his own special way made that happen…inside the house, no less! Mom is currently the least happy with the flying floof! But hey, she started it and never should have gave us baths in the first place!