On Friday night the snow began to quietly fall, while the housemates slumbered. When morning awoke, we were greeted on that late March day with a winter wonderland. “Outside Boys!” Dad happily called, as he and Mom donned their snow gear recently tucked away in anticipation of spring. No further prompting needed, our snow day had begun!
All day long the storm carried on, with shovels replacing rakes. A snowman we must make! The first and last of this winter’s season. Through the snow we bounded playing fetch, and rolling in delight to make one more snow angel in this rare spring sight.
As the evening drew on, it began to warm. Snowflakes turned to sleet, and freezing rain. Nothing was spared a coating of ice, from fence posts, to tree limbs, to budding flowers, and roads. No cars to pass our house, no errands to be done. Yet there we napped inside, warmed by our hearth and weary from our fun. Then a loud crack disturbed our tranquil evening! Suddenly we were plunged into darkness. We had lost electricity!
Immersed in darkness our family sat. Our evening rituals would not be passed. No television or warm dinner, thank goodness we dogs already ate so no risk of getting thinner! Instead we reminisced of storms from storied past. Of record breaking totals, to weeks without power, to snowbound adventures of puppies, we shared while the storm roared on outside. As time ticked on, upstairs we crept. Safe in our beds we listened to the sounds of trees snapping around us, while being lulled to sleep by the hum of neighborhood generators.
Upon the stroke of midnight, a semblance of normalcy returned, with the giving of Asa’s eyedrops. It was then Dad decided that we, too, should join the chorus of singing generators in the night. Out into the storm he went, the generator began to sputter, and soon our furnace roared to life once more. We had access to heat and limited power!
Meanwhile, the storm clouds parted. The moon shone down on the glistening ice-clad treetops, making our ordinary yard look magical. Mom and Asa sat huddled under a blanket, gazing out the window, transfixed by this new world. While I stood guard ready to break their silent reveries alerting that we have intruders! Escaping the cracking trees and falling branches, I spied two deer cautiously walking through our yard. But who was I, safe in my home, to bark at them for seeking safety from the dangers of the forest? And I pondered how did the robins fare in their frozen newly built nest? Lucky was I to be inside!
Warmed by the furnace heat, we returned to our slumber. Only to be jolted awake by bright lights, buzzing and beeping! The power was restored! Triumphantly, I raced downstairs with Dad in tow to turn off the generator. That’s when we heard a mighty wail, as the coyotes yipped and howled. The storm had finally ended!
And when the second morning rose, we looked out to a world unknown. No snow to play in that day! It was replaced by an icy glaze, where trees and grass were made of glass! The ice twinkled with delight, as we went for our neighborhood walk. Low drooping pines lined our street, and bowed to us as we passed. Picking up branches scattered on the road, we greeted neighbors emerging from their winter shelters. Still later as the sun shone bright, our world sounded like shattering glass, as Mother Nature released her icy grip.
So was our March weekend snowbound spent, enjoying a spring idle. On pause was spring, unplugged from cares, with nothing to fear, surrounded by loved ones, winter had returned!*