Dogs, you may have noticed a few odd looking characters lurking around your neighborhood these past few days. Don’t panic! In the coming nights these strange looking ghouls, goblins, witches, princesses and superheroes will be knocking on YOUR door. But it’s ok! It’s Halloween! I know this goes against your instincts to guard your home from suspicious characters, but this is the one time of year when Monsters have permission to come out and play. This isn’t a trick, and if you follow my advice you may even get a treat! Which brings me to the point of today’s blog – the polite greeting of Monsters!
Let your guard down: Oddly enough your Mom and Dad are expecting these visitors. Therefore, don’t lose your mind alerting them each time the doorbell rings. Trust me, too much barking will only make you hoarse and defenseless if a true threat like a squirrel shows up at your door. Or worst yet, it will earn you a time out and you’ll miss out on potentially making new friends!
Wait until the Monster acknowledges you: I know you’re excited, but when the door is opened don’t lunge forward to greet them. Monsters can be skittish creatures, and your enthusiasm may be misunderstood. Also definitely don’t jump! I know some of their outfits may look ragged and torn like they’ve been rolling around in a graveyard, but it is never polite to put your paws on someone. Instead greet them with your biggest smile and tail wag. It will let them know you’re cool with their uninvited arrival, odd appearance, and most importantly that you are friendly. Most importantly, NEVER run out to meet them. I recommend prior to Halloween checking to make sure your id tag / microchip is up to date and firmly attached to your collar, because sadly despite my warnings some Dogs can’t resist chasing Monsters and end up getting bewitched and lost that evening. To remind you of these rules, we recommend putting a baby gate at your door. So friendly Monsters can pet you, but you remember to stay inside your house. Sadly if you do forget, here is the link for your humans to help find you, should you disappear into the night and become a lost Dog on Halloween.
Don’t be offended: Monsters, especially the little ones, tend to be very narcissistic creatures on a mission. From what I gather, Monsters can only beg for candy this one night. So whereas you can beg for food anytime, this is their only chance. Worst yet, they must rely on the kindness of strangers to get it! So Monsters need to visit as many houses as possible during the evening hours, or they may starve in the coming year. Therefore, if a Monster ignores you, don’t be offended. They’re the rude ones, not you.
Listen to their small talk: If they do acknowledge you, accept their compliments with a big smile and a tail wag. However, be prepared for the same routine comments and questions being repeated over and over again. “Hello puppy!” “Aren’t you cute?” “What’s your name?” These are just a sampling of what you’ll hear from the larger Monsters that accompany the little ones. Never in all my years has a Monster offered to play a round of fetch! But hope springs eternal. In the meantime, be gracious, their small talk usually comes with a lot of petting.
Share your treats: Surprisingly some Dogs accompany Monsters on Halloween. So always have a few of your treats ready to share. After all, Monster candy isn’t safe for Dogs to eat, and they may be hungry from all that walking. But always make sure your Humans ask the Monster first if their Dog can have one of your treats. Whereas it is ok for Monsters to accept treats from strangers, it isn’t ok for dogs to do it. So always ask first in case the Monster’s Dog is on a special diet, or already has had far too many treats while on his mission. And remember the same rule applies to you if treats are offered to you by Monsters! Always get your Mom or Dad’s permission first!
Remember your manners: I guess overall the best advice I can give you for the sudden intrusion of Monsters on your doorstep this Halloween is to always remember your manners. Although some may seem scary, others may seem like they’d be fun to play with, and some may seem awfully familiar, Monsters demand the same respect that you give Humans. So follow these simple rules this Halloween, and with any luck you’ll make new friends!
It’s OK to be Antisocial: However, if you’re the excitable type, or get nervous around unfamiliar friends, perhaps sitting this one out is the best option. Find a quiet room away from the door, turn up the volume on your favorite music or television channel, and enjoy a peanut butter filled Kong or other distracting toy, while the Monsters inexplicably roam the streets begging for candy. I also recommend if possible going out to do your business prior to or after the scheduled trick or treating times. This way you won’t get startled by any ghouls or goblins that could be lurking and want to scare you. Overall, be patient. I promise things will be back to normal by November 1st!
Functional Fashion: Oh! I almost forgot! Should a Monster request you accompany them on their mission, or you’re feeling festive and want to dress up, please make sure your costumes fit properly. Costumes that inhibit movement, are too big causing a tripping hazard, or cover the eyes, are fun to wear while posing for photos, but please make sure if headed out on Halloween that you can walk safely in it. We recommend a test run wearing it for a routine walk to make sure it fits properly, so you Monster friends have plenty of time to make adjustments before the big night. And speaking of walks, following trick or treating, be careful on neighborhood patrol. Sometimes little Monsters drop their candy, and we don’t want you accidentally eating something that will make you sick, or worse yet is toxic!