Asa here. Chuck Billy did a great job yesterday describing the attractions to see in Eastport, Maine. However, he neglected to mention one special exhibit that was there just for one day – us! On the day we visited, there was a cruise ship docked at the historic Port of Eastport…

…It was ginormous! And better yet, it was filled with people who wanted to meet us!

Everywhere we went in Eastport, the passengers from that cruise ship were asking to pet us, and snapping photos of Chuck Billy and me. One couple even asked Mom and Dad if they could pose for a photo with us in front of that iconic fisherman statue! That’s when I got an idea…

…what if I put on a show for them! I know we were taking a break and this was not on the itinerary for Asa’s World Tour of Maine, but what a great opportunity! Eastport has a very active arts community, so I’m sure they wouldn’t mind hosting an up and coming rock star!

Chuck Billy even found the perfect place for me to perform at the Sutherland Amphitheater located at their Waterfront Park. So as Chuck Billy nervously stress ate the grass while pretending he didn’t know me, I decided to try out one of my songs….

….then anxiously waited for fans to fill the seats.

Just when Chuck Billy was giving up hope, that’s when I spotted a fan watching my show from a nearby window! Or as I like to call it, the exclusive VIP box!

Another successful stop on Asa’s World Tour of Maine! Maybe next year, we can visit during Eastport’s annual Pirate Festival, and get an even bigger audience!

Or better yet, maybe I could perform on the cruise ship!