If serving my meals exactly one hour late isn’t insult enough, last night Mom gave me the wrong bowl for dinner! Now to be honest, I was very excited to see that it wasn’t my usual slow feeder bowl, that I wolfed down Asa’s meal before Mom realized her mistake. However, after the mere seconds it took me to eat it, I immediately regretted it.
For you see Asa is currently on a diet. So whereas my slow feeder bowl was filled with all sorts of deliciousness, Asa’s bowl had far less. I sat pouting wondering how to make up for this injustice, as I watched Mom serve MY bowl of food to Asa. Of course Mom remained oblivious to the seriousness of the situation. In fact, she assumed my whimpers of distress were because I wanted to eat Asa’s meal, which technically I did, combined with holding a grudge for serving dinner late.
Yet what to my astonishment did I see, but Asa rejected it! When she gave the “dismissed” command that he could eat, Asa didn’t dive into the feast set in front of him. Instead he nudged the bowl itself with his nose, and looked up at Mom with the most concerned look on his face. Again she gave the command, and he laid down instead. That’s when she realized her mistake. Asa is way too good for his own good! But his loss is my gain, right?
Now if it was up to me, I would have given me the dismissed command so I could wolf down the dinner that was rightfully mine. But Mom and Dad, who are never very good at problem solving, did the most absurd thing. They took MY food, and dumped it into Asa’s bowl. Then they estimated what an appropriate smaller portion for Asa should be for his diet. For you see they soak our food in water, and it expands. Thus getting an accurate measurement was impossible by this stage in the dinner. They then put the remaining food in my bowl for me. After Asa ate his dinner at a ridiculously slow pace, they finally allowed me to finish my meal. A meal that I’m still not convinced was the correct amount. But don’t worry, I woke Mom up extra early today to feed me breakfast to make up for it.
Whoever is in change of this foolish time change twice a year, listen up! I could have starved thanks to your arbitrary changing of time. You can’t even blame it on lack of sleep, because Mom got an extra hour last when the clocks turned back. So from now on I demand that all clocks be set to Golden Standard Time and that they stay on that unless I say otherwise!

Asa: I can’t believe you’re the one complaining. I’m the one on a diet!