Asa! Don’t make eye contact! Get away from the window! I warned Mom! Why didn’t she listen to me? The Yule Cat is still out there, isn’t it?
Asa: Refresh me again as to why we need to fear the Yule Cat?
Chuck Billy: As I first explained in my 2020 post, Christmas Socks Catastrophe, according to Icelandic folklore, the Jólakötturinn, or Yule Cat, will eat children who did not receive new clothes, specifically socks, for Christmas. Dad got new socks from our grandmother. However, Mom did not. And now the Yule Cat is in our yard! Coincidence? I think not!
Asa: Oh yes, I vaguely remember you warning about that cat. But isn’t it suppose to be ginormous towering over houses and peering in windows to spy on families? This cat looks like a normal size to me.
Chuck Billy: That’s because it is in disguise to get Mom when she least expects it. Which I may add is exactly what almost happened! She came home to find it sunning itself in the driveway. Naturally Mom was concerned for its safety, so approached to see if it had an id tag. That’s when the Yule Cat leaped up, hissed at Mom, and showed its claws!

Asa: Maybe Mom disturbed it as it was celebrating the Festival of Sleep Day which happened to also be yesterday? Besides, what’s so unusual about that greeting? That’s how our kitty cousin, Misty, use to say “hello” to Lemmy. She never tried to eat him.
Chuck Billy: Lemmy must have either received socks for Christmas, or gave them as a gift which would mark him as safe from the Yule Cat.
Asa: Wait? Is that why you gave me socks for Christmas?! I knew it was weird considering I don’t wear socks, but thought it was nice you gave me a gift. You were just doing it to protect yourself!
Chuck Billy: Hey, it is the thought that counts! And I thought it would save us both! Poor Mom! Good thing the Yule Cat saw us watching from the window, and ran off to the neighbor’s house before enacting its fiendish plan. Also excellent thinking on Dad’s part snapping a photo as evidence to give the authorities in case Mom goes missing. Too bad the photo is blurry, but he was wise to keep a safe distance.

Asa: Poor Mom, indeed! First she gets a frying pan for Christmas, and now she has an angry cat after her. I wonder if regifting counts? Because I can give her this sock I found in the laundry bag.