This week’s lesson has Mom and I thoroughly confused. As you know, Asa and I have been working really hard at training Mom and Dad to always walk at a heel on our right side. They’ve mastered the concept on-leash, and we recently started working on it off-leash as well. But now Mom and Dad’s trainer have added a new skill to work on, and this left just doesn’t feel right!
Their trainer would like it if Asa and I are always on Mom or Dad’s left side when we walk. Ok, got it. They are our right paw humans, so it makes sense that we are on their left side. But now he wants it so whatever direction we’re heading in to be on their left side.
The lesson started simple enough with me walking in a straight line with Mom tethered to me on her leash. Then he told her to start walking backwards! Well it’s my responsibility to keep Mom safe, so I immediately started to cross in front of her to turn around to face the direction we are heading, thus putting Mom on my right side. However, because she was facing the opposite way technically I was on her right side too. Well long story short, two rights don’t make a left. That’s when Mom’s trainer instructed her to keep me on her left side. Huh? Even Mom was confused there, because I was on her left side but facing the opposite way, as she walked backwards. So technically we were both on the other’s left side. Therefore according to the trainer’s logic, two lefts make a right?
Apparently the point of this lesson is Asa and I need to pay attention, and see things from Mom and Dad’s perspective ensuring that we’re always on their left side. Ok, I get that we’re a team and we need to walk as such. But I also know Mom, and she has enough trouble walking forward without tripping. Why is he telling her to walk backwards while simultaneously telling me to walk at her left side? That’s way too much coordination! Then once I’m in the left right place, she starts walking forward again, and I have to turn to face the correct direction we’re heading? Pick a direction, human!
The trainer said bear with him, this is part of a bigger skill. However, I’m flashing back to the embarrassing days when he had Mom and Dad walking zig zags down the road so we’d stay at their side. What are the neighbors going to think if they see Mom and Dad walking backwards?