Hi Chuck Billy! It’s me, Asa! But of course you probably already knew that. Thanks for getting that day pass from Rainbow Bridge so you could stay with me when they scanned my belly. I know you were really there to see Dr. Doug. You always did love visits with him. But it sure made me calmer feeling your presence that day. Also I’m happy to report that along with good test results, there were no UFO abductions with missing periods of time and unexplained medical procedures. Just a bad haircut, but I blame that on Mardi Gras shenanigans and not extraterrestrials.
Speaking of missing periods of time, I’ve been keeping up with your UFO research! I thought I was going to add to your Kitchen Portal Theory. On Friday and Saturday the clocks in the kitchen were one hour ahead of the clocks in the rest of the house. At first I thought I could prove your time travel theory for the infamous dog nail clippers and missing keys portal, or at least attempt to document the new kitchen time zone. But turns out after the power outage on Friday, Dad thought he might as well reset the clocks on the stove and microwave ahead one hour for Daylight Saving Time, since he’d have to do it on Sunday anyways. Confusing, yes! Especially since he neglected to mention this to Mom and me. But turns out not UFO related, just Dad trying to save time while losing time.
However, in addition to that missing hour of sleep last Sunday, I will be losing sleep in order to see the total lunar eclipse taking place in the wee hours of Friday morning! I’ll be sure to wake Mom up around midnight so we can watch the moon inch closer into the earth’s shadow, to when it gets its orangish / reddish color at 3:00 AM. Oh wait, you probably would want us down in the UFO bunker instead. Don’t worry, if I spot any UFOs sneaking in under the cover of the “Blood Worm Moon,” I’ll do just what you taught me…as soon as I remember what that was! Although to be honest, I’m not sure if I will see anything. According to the weather, it may be cloudy.
There does seem to be a correlation between lunar eclipses and time change. The last lunar eclipse in Maine took place in November 2022, a few days after Daylight Saving Time ended. This lunar eclipse is a fews days after Daylight Saving Time started. Coincidence? I can hear your trademark response of “This renowned Dog Ufologist says, NO!” I’ll be sure to report back any new evidence to advance your work.
There’s also going to be a partial solar eclipse over Maine at the end of the month on March 29, 2025. The timing of it being near your Gotcha Day Anniversary is not lost on me. But it is only suppose to be about 60% coverage. Is it ok if I skip hanging out in the UFO Bunker like we did for last year’s total solar eclipse? It’s kind of lonely there without you. I promise for the solar eclipse, I will remember to wear those special glasses you bought.
Oh and if I get distracted during the lunar eclipse on Friday morning, don’t worry! I will have another chance to take notes for you on during the total lunar eclipse next year on March 3, 2026. Please note that next year’s total lunar eclipse also takes place around the clocks changing for Daylight Saving Time! I’m no expert like you, but we may be onto something here! Hey, it just dawned on me that you’ll be observing these eclipses with your Daddy Eclipse! How cool is that?
Anyways, I’m sure you’re busy over Rainbow Bridge working on your ufology research too. But be sure to have some fun! I was always reminding you here to put your work aside and have fun. Could you please wish Great Grammy and Great Nana each a happy heavenly birthday from me? It must be nice that you can celebrate with them this month. I’m sure Angel Lemmy told them all about you, before your arrival three months ago. Has it really only been three months? It seems so much longer since I’ve heard your bark, followed your lead on an adventure, or just snuggled. Miss you, my brother! Love you! I’ll see you at the end of the trail…