Ticks are back! Well not that they ever fully went away in the first place. Research has found that despite the subfreezing temperatures this past winter, more ticks are surviving. This spring they are emerging from their secret lairs, hungry for blood and spreading diseases! But there are ways to protect yourself and your pups from these formidable foes.
On Saturday, April 13, 2019 join P.A.W.S., Dr. Gentili-Lloyd from Penbay Veterinary Hospital and Evan Frace from Greener Grounds Landscaping for a presentation all about ticks and how to protect your pets and yard. This discussion will take place from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM at the P.A.W.S. Adoption Center at 123 John Street, Camden, Maine. It is FREE and the information just may help keep your four legged friends safe this summer. To learn more, please visit P.A.W.S. Adoption Center.