I want to begin by stating I’m alright, Asa is alright, and Mom will be alright! But we’ll be taking some time off as we heal and rest from each needing to wear a cone.
As mentioned in yesterday’s Golden Games social media post, I’m wearing a cone due to a small hot spot. The skin irritation was caused by all this humidity and getting caught in a downpour recently. My fur trapped in the moisture and didn’t dry properly. It’s at the itchy stage, so I’m well on the road to healing. I just need a reminder to leave it alone.
Asa, on the other paw, gave us all a scare and went for a trip to the Animal Hospital ER for an infected abscess that burst. As he always does, Asa was keeping it a secret, because he didn’t want to worry Mom and Dad. But in the end he wound up worrying them more by not giving advance warning! Even after it happened, as Mom and Dad ran around to get ready to take him to the ER, Asa was happily following them with a shoe in his mouth! I know it is good to stay calm in emergencies, but really Asa, did you have to try to greet all the staff at the animal hospital, and look so happy to be there?
Long story short, the abscess, which was on his underbelly hind end, got infected and burst, making for a scary mess. Not knowing the cause, we thought he had a puncture wound! But he’s fine now, it is still draining, and he needs to be monitored by us for a fever and any changes. He’s on antibiotics and pain medication as he heals, and we’ll be taking Asa for a followup to see his best friend Dr. Heidi in 10 to 14 days.
Meanwhile Mom has her own medical issues she’s been dealing with this summer, and will be receiving treatment for that today. The doctor said it may make Mom feel crummy for a few days. But we promise once she gets this procedure, she’ll get back on track, and we’ll be sharing adventures again! Our apologies, but that’s why our posts have been off lately, sharing a few “previously recorded” events for our Golden Games, and we’ve been sticking close to home after our Berkshires adventure in June. Mom needed to take it easy, attempts at doing Olympic inspired cartwheels aside.
So we’ll be taking a little time off this week, to rest and heal. However, we promise we’ll be back as soon as we can, and will eventually get Asa’s World Tour of Maine back on schedule too! Thanks again for all your love and patience!