Dogs, put down the phones, turn off the tablets, and step away from the keyboards! Tomorrow is Global Day of Unplugging! Starting at sundown tonight, March 7, and going through to sundown tomorrow, March 8, dogs and their humans around the globe are encouraged to unplug from their screens and pursue tech-free activities offline.
Just think of how much added time you will have for shenanigans by unplugging for just one day! Or how fun it would be instead of ordering your toys and food online, to take a car ride to an actual pet store to shop! Remember that place you always wanted to visit but never seem to have the time? Perhaps tomorrow is the day to do it! If the weather isn’t permitting, use your time offline to make a list of all the dog friendly places you would like to visit this year when it does improves. Maybe instead of chatting with a friend online, you can actually have a playdate tomorrow! Or simply cherish the extra family time stepping away from tech gives you. Think of all the fetch you could play together, or cuddle time!
Unplugging isn’t just good for dogs, it is very beneficial for your humans too. No more doom scrolling, spending time on apps procrastinating about things on the to-do list, or simply losing track of time going down a rabbit hole of threads. Better yet no more losing out on precious pup time with their face staring at a screen, when they could be looking at your face right in front of them! Or maybe the humans could make plans to see a friend or a loved one they haven’t seen in a while, and bring you along for the car ride! Who knows, maybe the little humans will read their books aloud to you, rather than stare at the television? They could even bring back family game night, or teach you a new trick. The humans may even use their time getting projects completed, so when better weather arrives they’ll have more time for family fun!
The possibilities are endless! If stepping away for a full 24 hours seems a little too daunting, challenge yourself to see how long you and your family can go tech-free. Or designate a block of time to be offline. You may be surprised to find it goes by fast, and you want to extend it longer. Time is precious, so use it on Global Day of Unplugging to unplug from screens and pursue tech-free activities offline!