As we continue our stroll down memory lane, I admit I may not have been as prepared for Asa as I led everyone to believe in my first few Living with a Golden blog posts. But in my defense, the winter of 2015 was one of the snowiest on record for Maine. Please enjoy the following two videos from when the snow was piling up and I was at a loss – literally and figuratively – on what to do with Asa!
Snowbound (January 28, 2015)
Ok, I’m not going to lie. I’m a little worried by the amount of snow out there. In all my three years I have never seen so much snow. Don’t get me wrong, I love the stuff. But with it being only day 5 of Asa living here, what if I lose him in a snowdrift? Watching a puppy is a lot of responsibility even without a blizzard to complicate matters. Oh and my Mom & Dad are no help. Clearly they lost their minds because they spend their days shoveling snow from one spot to another, only to have it blow back again. But I’m trying to act natural so as not to worry the little guy. After all, he’s never known a world without snow. So all this is normal to him. Ignorance is bliss!
All was going so well until I lost Asa…
Snowed in with Asa (February 11, 2015)
Alright being inside with Asa isn’t much better. Puppies are exhausting to begin with, but try being snowed in with one! How soon until spring?