Now that we’re finally getting a hint of spring in Maine, it’s time to take Mom and Dad’s training outside. Let’s face it, we’ve been working really hard all winter, but we’ve been cooped up practicing at the same old dog friendly stores and in our neighborhood. Mom and Dad know what we expect of them there, and how to behave. But in the great outdoors there is a whole different set of temptations and distractions.
This weekend we decided to leash up Mom and Dad and take them for a hike. While there Asa and I wanted to work on their resisting temptations training by relaxing next to a roaring river. As Asa and I settled in to our down/stay, it was Dad who broke first. Would you believe he started throwing small sticks into the water? Oh sure Asa and I would love to retrieve those sticks in that cold refreshing snow runoff, but we needed to set a good example. Mom, of course, wandered off to take photos. Focus people! We’re here to train!
I was so focused on Mom and Dad’s bad behavior, that I didn’t notice that other dog approach with his humans. Awkward! However before I could get my Dad and Mom under control, that Black Lab did a down/stay next to Asa. Turns out he was training his humans too! The other dog said he’s been working on training his Mom and Dad ever since they disappeared on him while on vacation last fall. After chasing a nefarious squirrel away from his vehicle at a rest stop, Buddy turned to realize his humans didn’t follow him! That poor pup wandered around in the woods for almost an hour before he found them. Asa’s eyes grew wide as he heard this harrowing tale. No one wants to lose their Mom and Dad, especially while out on an adventure!
While our new friend Buddy told us about his trials and tribulations training his Mom and Dad, our humans were also discussing their lessons. That’s when we all decided to help each other. Buddy’s parents started tapping their legs and enticing Asa and myself to break our downs. Who do they think we are? We know that our adoring fans need to approach us, and not the other way around. As for Buddy, Dad started skipping rocks into the underbrush, to try to mimic the sound of a squirrel. Again Buddy resisted temptation and stayed in his spot. He wasn’t about to take his eyes off his humans again just to chase a silly old squirrel.
Then Mom broke out the biggest temptation. She handed our treats to Buddy’s Mom! We’re not suppose to accept treats from strangers, unless Mom or Dad give the ok. Asa started planking. Wow, he has good core strength. Anyways, I knew it was a trick, so put my head on the ground. As for Buddy, well Buddy isn’t working on resisting treats. Instead, he needed to practice his parents’ recall command, and took off like a rocket to eat the treats. Asa leaped up! I rolled over on my side. Hey, I may have to stay in place, but I made sure they knew I disapproved by thumping my tail on the ground. Mom came over and rewarded me with my very own treat for staying in my spot. Asa immediately flopped back on his belly, hoping Mom didn’t notice he broke the command. Luckily after making him sweat it out a bit in his down position, she gave him a treat too.
We all worked together on a few more commands, swapped training stories and advice, and then we headed off in opposite directions to continue our hikes. All in all a good training outing! Thanks Buddy for being our training buddy!