Ruh! Roh! Chuck Billy is going to be mad that I messed up again. Oh hi, it’s me, Asa. I’m still in charge of neighborhood watch while Chuck Billy’s paw heals. After a small incident earlier in the week, I thought I finally got a hang of this being in charge stuff. Yet once again it’s the small details that get me in trouble. I forgot to shut the gate when I returned from taking Dad for a walk, and a turkey flash mob invaded our yard!

Now normally I wouldn’t mind the wild turkeys hanging out in our yard. But Chuck Billy gets so upset when anyone trespasses in the area beyond the fence, never mind inside of it. If he knew they were in our play area, boy would he really get angry.

Adding to my stress, if he knew this was happening, Chuck Billy would jump up and start barking and pacing at the window. We can’t risk him hurting the scab on his paw, because that would set back his healing, which in turns means I’d be in charge longer, and no one wants that – including me! To keep him calm, I tried to play it cool as I watched the party in our yard.

At first it appeared that they were just passing through, literally. The baby chicks walked right through the openings in the fence and continued on their way. They may not have even known they were trespassing in the yard. But Momma Turkey, well she’s a bit high strung like Chuck Billy, and she started running and gobbling inside the fence. The poor turkey couldn’t figure out how to get out of the play area!

I turned up the volume on the TV, hoping Chuck Billy wouldn’t hear Momma Turkey’s cries for help. Thank goodness he was distracted by his favorite show, Ancient Aliens. But oh how I wanted to cheer Momma Turkey on to safety! Yet all I could do was silently wag my tail and smile at her from the window! She kept running along the fence, but just as she got close to the open gate and freedom, she would turn around and run in the other direction! Can’t she remember where she entered? She must be like me, and not attentive to details. Back and forth she kept running, while I held my breath.

I couldn’t help but notice her friends and children were rather rude and didn’t help her. It was when they started to head back into the woods that Momma Turkey finally remembered that she could fly! Over the fence she flew! Ok, it wasn’t pretty and rather awkward. But she finally made it over the fence to safety. I breathed a sigh of relief, and sat down next to Chuck Billy to finish watching his TV show. I guess being in charge isn’t so difficult after all.