UFO Investigation Log Book Entry April 23, 2024: I received a report from avid beach walker, Hannah, regarding a suspicious object on a Maine beach, attracting a lot of attention. My team and I set out to investigate this mysterious Unattached Floating Object.
According to the media, it is a navigational buoy that became detached during the April nor’easter, and floated to shore. Oh sure like something this big and heavy could float on water! As a dog ufologist, I recognized immediately that this was an obvious coverup intended to prevent the public from panicking.
However, I must admit I was disturbed by how relaxed the public was when in close proximity to the object. Would you believe there were people carving their names on it? How insulting for the extraterrestrials to travel this vast distance, only to have humans write graffiti on their craft! Others were climbing on it like it was their personal playground! No wonder the government doesn’t publicly disclose where UFOs have landed. Humans behave awfully when confronted with something strange. This also explains why some extraterrestrials get grumpy when visiting. The government really needs to work on humans’ polite greeting of aliens!
Speaking of the government, on Monday the Coast Guard hauled the Unattached Floating Object away. Further proof of a government coverup. Surely if they sent anyone to investigate from the Navy, the public’s suspicion would be aroused, considering their release of UFO footage in recent years. In fact, anyone from the Pentagon’s UAP Task Force would also have raised eyebrows, and Men in Black in their trademark suits would really stand out on a Maine beach. Yet no one thought twice about the Coast Guard showing up to haul it away!
This is not the first time I’ve personally spotted unusual phenomenon on this very beach! In the past they were floating in the air, disguised as kites and paragliders. One disguised as a ginormous buoy was not on my radar. However, the appearance of the Unattached Floating Object on the beach may be because the extraterrestrials are familiar with my theory that they use astronomical events in an attempt to disguise their UFOs flying overhead. In fact, the Lyrids meteor shower was at its peak over Maine on April 21-22, 2024. Coincidence? This Dog Ufologists says, “NO!” This is most likely a case of “Look over there!” in an attempt to distract star gazers from the UFOs arriving overhead for the Maine vacations. But they can’t fool me, Chuck Billy, the renowned Dog Ufologist!