Recently while daydreaming in the office, I heard a flurry of activity outside. No not snow flurries, they are usually quiet. Well that and this was before the most recent round of snow. It was work trucks parked by the Squirrel family’s tree. I don’t recall them ever having visitors before. But sure enough the truck had a special bucket to bring a human to the Squirrels! Suddenly I felt so very rude that it never occurred to me that I should visit them, instead of waiting for the Squirrels to leave their warm home to see me. Who knew such a truck existed!

Intrigued I continued watching this interaction. Apparently this was a surprise visit, because I saw Mr. Squirrel jump from one branch to another in a nearby tree before exiting to the ground. But you know that saying, never make an assumption? Well it’s true! That Squirrel was showing the man which tree branches to cut. They must have hired them to do some renovations on their tree, so as not to lose power during the next storm. Carefully the man in the bucket trimmed branches away from the power lines, but being cautious not to disturb the big nest the Squirrel family calls home.

Still embarrassed by my rudeness, of having never offered to visit the Squirrels in their home, I found a smaller bucket truck that I could use! I just need a friend to volunteer to operate the controls to help me.