I’m stepping out of my comfort zone today. Normally I share information about fundraising events that support animals, whether it be shelters, service dogs, working dogs, or even the occasional cat cause, I’m a strong believer in lending a helping paw. But today I’d like to ask you to consider participating in a fundraiser that directly affects my family by joining thousands of people across the country in the Walk to End Alzheimer’s.
September brings back a lot of memories for our Mom. Our Grandpa (Mom’s Dad) was a instrumental music teacher, who looked forward to the start of each new school year. You name the instrument, and he could play it. Not only that, but he taught countless students to play them too. However, Alzheimer’s Disease robbed Grandpa from making music.
September also brings back sad memories of the beginning of our goodbye to Grandpa. Little did we realize when he was admitted to the hospital on Labor Day Weekend 2016, that he would never be coming home again. By October, his courageous battle with Alzheimer’s Disease would be over. On that sad October night, Grandma lost her best friend and husband of 51 years; Mom and our Uncle lost their biggest cheerleader and confidante; Asa and I lost the best wrestling partner a dog could ever want; and students lost a talented music teacher.
Another September memory is in 2017 our Grandma participated in her first Walk to End Alzheimer’s. That day Grandma was overwhelmed with the feeling of love and support of being surrounded by so many people with one goal in mind, to raise funds for Alzheimer’s care, support and research. This September in the upcoming days and weeks, across the country there will be more walks. There is no fee to register for the Walk to End Alzheimer’s, but participants are encouraged to fundraise so that through your support we can raise awareness of this disease while contributing to advances in research and care, and help other Grandpas and Grandmas.
In New England here are just a few of the Walk to End Alzheimer’s scheduled for the upcoming weeks:
September 8, 2019: St. Johnsbury, VT
September 14, 2019: York Beach, ME; Keene, NH; Lewiston, ME; Kenne, NH; Plymouth, MA
September 15, 2019: Andover, MA; Holyoke, MA; Newport, RI
September 21, 2019: Manchester, NH
September 22, 2019: Portsmouth, NH; Cambridge, MA; Enfield, CT
September 28, 2019: Portland, ME
October 5, 2019: Waterville, ME
October 13, 2019: Hartford, CT
October 19, 2019: Bangor, ME; Brunswick, ME
Most walks allow well-behaved dogs to participate. To learn more about this fundraising effort, find a walk near you anywhere across the country, or to make a donation, please visit the Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s. I’d also like to take a moment here to thank the Alzheimer’s Association for helping our Grandma every step of the way in finding the resources and support our family needed to help care for Grandpa in his courageous battle over the years.